What's New on the Skeptics Society Web
- 8 December 1996
- Put up a new version of the home page designed by Jim Burton
(burtcom@sisna.com). Thanks, Jim!
- 24 November 1996
- Added table of contents,
Tim Callahan's "The End of the
World and the New World Order," and Brian
Siano's review of The Bell Curve Cracks--Inequality by Design
from vol. 4, no. 3, and Michael
Shermer's "The Secular Sphinx" from vol. 4, no. 2. Thanks to Nate
Smith for the HTMLizing on all of this.
- 14 October 1996
- At long last, the table of contents
and Victor Stenger's "Cosmythology"
article have been added to the site (thanks to Nate Smith for HTMLizing).
Still to come from this issue is Michael Shermer's "The Secular Sphinx:
The Riddle of Ethics Without Religion."
- 23 September 1996
- Added Bradley Lepper's review of The Hidden History of
the Human Race from vol. 4, no. 1 (thanks to Nate Smith for HTMLizing). Articles from vol. 4, no. 2
should be showing up on the web site shortly.
- 24 May 1996
- Added Frank Miele's "The (Im)moral Animal"
from vol. 4, no. 1.
- 22 May 1996
- Added Bernard Leikind's "What is the
Ant?" from vol. 4, no. 1 (thanks to Nate Smith for HTMLizing).
- 16 May 1996
- Added Stephen Jay Gould
interview from vol. 4, no. 1 (thanks to Sarah Hunt for HTMLizing).
More to come, as well as more graphics for past articles.
The FTP site and mailbot will no longer be kept current with
Skeptic articles.
- 22 January 1996
- Added information about the 1996 Skeptics
Society conference.
- 10 December 1995
- Added Mark Pendergrast's
interview with psychologist "Robin Newsome" regarding her retraction
of her views on repressed memory from vol. 3, no. 4.
- 14 November 1995
- Frank Miele's interview with
Richard Dawkins and Rick Shaffer's
"Is There Really A Cosmological Crisis?" from vol. 3, no. 4 are now
- 21 June 1995
- Jim Lippard and Jeff Jacobsen's
"Scientology v. the Internet" and
Frank Miele's interview with
Robert Sternberg from vol. 3, no. 3 are now available.
- 4 April 1995
- Frank Miele's interview with
Charles Murray and Steven B. Harris'
article on AIDS skepticism from vol. 3, no. 2 are both now available.
- 18 March 1995
- Made minor changes to various pages to note the new Skeptics Society
address (P.O. Box 338, Altadena, CA 91001) and fax number ((818) 794-1301).
Selected articles from vol. 3, no. 2 will be available shortly. Added
HyperNews feature.
- 13 February 1995
- Added Brian Siano's review of
Deborah Lipstadt's Denying the Holocaust from vol. 2, no. 4.
- 11 February 1995
- Another new URL: http://www.skeptic.com/. The main page may also still
be reached as http://www.skeptic.com/skeptics-society.html. A new offer
for new subscriptions has also been announced.
- 20 December 1994
- The Skeptics Society Web may now be reached at the URL
http://www.skeptic.com/skeptics-society.html. It hasn't
actually moved, but this should be the preferred URL for links.
- 11 December 1994
- Made all images interlaced; added table of contents and two articles
from vol. 3, no. 1 (William Jarvis on homeopathy and Jeffrey Shallit on
the book Higher Superstition).
- 16 November 1994
- Added some new images, including all of the individual magazine
- 2 November 1994
- Check out the new special offer for
first-time subscribers!
- 15 September 1994
- Michael Shermer can now be reached directly on the Internet as
- 20 August 1994
- New special for first-time subscribers who are Internet users:
in addition to the special subscription rates, you get
the current issue
of Skeptic on Pseudohistory FREE!
- 31 July 1994
- Added another article from vol. 2, no. 3: David Bloomberg's
"The Incredible Mysteries of Sun Pictures."
- 7 July 1994
- Added two articles from vol. 2, no. 4:
Frank Miele's "Giving the
Devil His Due" and
Jim Lippard's "Update on the Noah's
Ark Hoax." New version of "About the Skeptics
Society," new staff/editorial board
members, new books and video and audio tapes.
- 30 June 1994
- Added non-U.S. shipping costs for books and tapes. Frank Miele's
article and my "Ark Update" article from vol. 2, no. 4 will be online
within a few days. (Vol. 2, no. 4 has now been published.) All articles
now have within-article contents with links to individual sections.
- 15 June 1994
- Added the bibliography to
Donald Prothero's "Punctuated
Equilibrium at Twenty" article (in vol. 1, no. 3). Added a "table of
contents" to my "Ark Hoax" article
(vol. 2, no. 3). I will be doing the same thing for the other longer articles.
- 14 June 1994
- My "Ark Hoax" article (in vol. 2, no. 3) has an additional link
to the text of
David Balsiger's January 1994 press release, with my annotations.
Added Skeptics Society logo on home page.
- 8 June 1994
- The tables of contents for all published issues of Skeptic
are set up. Ten articles from the first seven issues have been
converted to HTML and are ready for use. Selected articles from
future issues will be made available as they are published. (For the
rest of the articles, I'm afraid you'll have to purchase the magazine.)
Contact Jim Lippard (lippard@skeptic.com)
with comments, typos to correct, suggested format changes, suggested links to
be added, etc.
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